Friday, November 26, 2010

Mood Board

 I mapped out a few of the shapes that I found when examining the images. The images with the most aesthetically pleasing angles and shapes were the ones I used.
 Some of the images were arranged on the board to create relationships between themselves through geometry as at a glance, they may not appear to be related.  I thought this was a good way to translate the purpose of Phi as it is a ratio that can be used to relate somewhat dissimilar elements of geometry.

 I would like to use this gold spiral in a print.  I think it would look amazing sweeping across the body, up, over and around the shoulders...
 The tassels represent the golden section that is related to Phi.  When a segment in divided into parts that are 1.618 times longer than the last.

I chose a lot of pictures that had either an organic shape or very hard geometric lines to stay within the theme of the sacred geometry of Phi.  I put a clear sheet of plastic over top so I could get the effect of a white board when I mapped out the geometric shapes, so it was a little hard to get up close for detail shots without a blinding flash light.  Essentially the board connects some of the geometric associations that I tried to make when setting up the board, which I think is much like Phi - it connects elements of sacred geometry that were not connected prior to defining Phi.

Mainly the board focuses on structured shapes that have a swooping/spiraling paths; I've used gold in some of the notions and images to allude to the "golden ratio" that Phi is also known as.  Some of my favourite images are the organic origami ones - they look like insects from the future...

I can't wait to start designing for this collection, I think it's going to be a real challenge to juxtapose the organic and the mathematical elements so the separates work within each other and they don't look too dissimilar and more like two collections styled together...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Phi= Beauty

In my last couple of posts, and in responding to some comments, I believe I have a) found my visual language; b) narrowed my focus; and c) renamed my collection.

Phi (the Greek letter above) in mathematics is the Golden Ratio.  Several studies have been done to determine what the majority of us find to be "beautiful" and most conclude that the most "beautiful" subjects' proportions relate to each other by the value of (1.618...).  I am also personally of the opinion that beauty is best achieved when there is proportional balance between elements.  In one response to a comment, I said that I was mainly interested in relating finite concepts (such as math and science), to more abstract and infinite concepts (like beauty and love and humor) and I think that might be the way to do that...

I was first thinking that this may be too far off from my original concept of technology being deeply integrated into society, but after some thought, I liken the idea of defining beauty by way of , as somewhat of an ultra lo-mo proof commenting on the level of integration of technology in society.

I'm thinking of garments cut so that all the bottoms use 1.618 time more fabric than the tops in the collection; or any paneling done is proportioned with ratios...

Gotta re-work my inspiration board...!

beauty =

I found this article to be rather interesting...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Small Request:

Dear Meg Grant,

Please design an interactive "organic circuit diagram" button for my website that is as amazing as yours.



Intimacy Noir

I came across this blog while looking for inspiration shots for my Organi-Tek collection and needed to post the link.  Check out the fashion photography by Sarah Moon - they feel like a dream that is dangerously close to becoming a nightmare...

Anyways, I found the above image on Kitsch-Noir.  This is the INTIMACY Black dress designed by Anouk Wipprecht in collaboration with studio Roosegaarde, Waddinxveen, of the Netherlands. Made of smart foil, this originally black foil reacts to the proximity of a "viewer," sends a charge through the dress and it becomes more transparent as one approaches.  It's as if the garment is a physical representation of human relationships - as our relationships develop and we become closer to each other, our facade begins to transform into something more transparent; we then have an intimate knowledge of what is beneath the surface. 

I am absolutely fascinated by this technological display of a psychological phenomenon - it is essentially a sentient garment. wow.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So, I have been discussing the inspiration for a new collection, trying to suss out the WHY; exploring the fact that technology is so deeply integrated into our culture that I fear there is a need to reconnect with our roots and the roots of technologies that we consider to be so essential to our being that we barely remember a time when we did not have these tools.

By choosing to use technology with a more conscious approach (i.e. considering what research may be like without the internet; trying to connect and conduct business without a cell phone, email, etc.), I feel like the appreciation of these innovations will insight an evolved attitude towards the development of new technologies.  By remembering the roots and essentially, how technology has become so prevalent in society that we no longer question where it came from, we just know we need it to function at the level that we do, I hope we will work together as an evolving society to develop new technologies, rather than competing to do this.  I would like to call on the population to start generating ideas not as a product of ego, but rather as a means to further our society as a whole.

I have called the collection Organi-Tek to allude to the fact that technology is so deeply integrated into our daily lives that it has become part of us - I feel naked when I've forgotten my cell phone at home; I feel like I am unable to connect with the world outside of my apartment when my internet is down; I can't even begin to imagine living without a computer...  But I have also called it this to get us thinking further about treating the development of technology as an organic quality that aids in the progression of a society through the belief that it is like an organ in the societal body - without it, society would perish and thus, it is in our best interest to further its prosperity void of material gain attached to its development as this would threaten the equilibrium of the societal body.