Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So, I have been discussing the inspiration for a new collection, trying to suss out the WHY; exploring the fact that technology is so deeply integrated into our culture that I fear there is a need to reconnect with our roots and the roots of technologies that we consider to be so essential to our being that we barely remember a time when we did not have these tools.

By choosing to use technology with a more conscious approach (i.e. considering what research may be like without the internet; trying to connect and conduct business without a cell phone, email, etc.), I feel like the appreciation of these innovations will insight an evolved attitude towards the development of new technologies.  By remembering the roots and essentially, how technology has become so prevalent in society that we no longer question where it came from, we just know we need it to function at the level that we do, I hope we will work together as an evolving society to develop new technologies, rather than competing to do this.  I would like to call on the population to start generating ideas not as a product of ego, but rather as a means to further our society as a whole.

I have called the collection Organi-Tek to allude to the fact that technology is so deeply integrated into our daily lives that it has become part of us - I feel naked when I've forgotten my cell phone at home; I feel like I am unable to connect with the world outside of my apartment when my internet is down; I can't even begin to imagine living without a computer...  But I have also called it this to get us thinking further about treating the development of technology as an organic quality that aids in the progression of a society through the belief that it is like an organ in the societal body - without it, society would perish and thus, it is in our best interest to further its prosperity void of material gain attached to its development as this would threaten the equilibrium of the societal body.

1 comment:

  1. I think there are parts of me that believes the societal body is aiming to evolve into some sort of cybernetic being, but there is also a part of me that believes nature will do this for us, considering how closely we interface with technology on a daily basis (the concept of indigo children for example). With regards to communication and technology, I'm incredibly interested in the use of definitive elements, such as science and mathematics to communicate infinite elements like feelings and thoughts. To use the finite to define the infinite is beautiful to me - it should be a total conundrum, however, the only way to make the infinite more accessible and understandable is to liken it in finite terms.

    Getting off topic, I would like to explore ideas surrounding a physical relationship with technology (our brains are computers after all), but I think I've decided that I would like to focus on the fact that despite technology being universal (an LED light is produced with the same components no matter what country you are in, computer code all functions within the same mathematical language ...), our experiences with it are all unique (the finite interacting with the infinite) and that it can act as somewhat of a co-creator in the fabric of our lives.

    I am still working on WHAT visual language I will use to say this though...

    As for the name... I'm sort of liking that it's obvious, since it's an exploration of how something we are all aware of shapes each of us. I also thought of learning how it's written in binary, but thought that would be pretty pretentious... let me work on it, I half agree with you...
